Thursday 22 November 2012

Journal: Av & DoF

Aperture & Depth of Field

  1. Standard Aperture/F-stops-
                   -the ratio of the focal length of the lens to the diameter of the aperture
  1. Aperture Priority-
      a camera mode that allows you to select the aperture in over the available range and have the camera calculate the best shutter speed to expose light correctly
  2. Ambient Light-
      natural, available light that’s not added by the photographer
  3. Artificial Light-
      light that comes from man-made light source
  4. ASA/ISO/Film Speed-
      - ASA 'American Standards Association' responsible for supplying the speed rate that measures the degree to which film is sensitive to light
      - ISO 'International Organization for Standardization' film speed ratings are used it indicate the relative amount of light necessary to give proper exposure
      - Film speed is the measure of a photographic film's sensitivity to light
  5. Bracket- 
                  -means to take multiple photos of the same scene with different exposure settings. 
  6. Depth of Field-
      amount of a photo that will be in focus
  7. Exposure Triangle-
     - each three aspect of the triangle relate to light and how it enters and interacts w/ the camera
                  -  the three elements, ISO, Aperture, and Shutter Speed, that if one iso was changed it effects                  both shutter speed and aperture for the photo; if either Av or shutter speed were modified it will only effect themselves and not iso
  8. How to Control Depth of Field-
    Large Av will decrease DOF and a small Av will make a large DOF
    Large aperture (remember it’s a smaller number) will decrease depth of field while small aperture (larger numbers) will give you larger depth of field.

    Read more:
  9. Light Meter-
      -a sensor used to measure light and indicate the ideal exposure settings
Find examples for your journal label each image and guess the aperture settings used on the camera.

Short, f-22

medium f-16

wide f-1

(The photos above belong to their rightful owners, I own nothing)

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